Overview of the refunds response object.

Shown below is a sample responses of a Create Refund API.

  "data": {
    "order_id": "v1-5757575757-aa-hU1rUd",
    "refunds": [
        "merchant_refund_reference": "23242324232423",
        "refund_id": "v1-3314042524-ga-0Y129h",
        "status": "PROCESSED",
        "merchant_id": "123456",
        "refund_amount": {
          "value": 1100,
          "currency": "INR"
        "created_at": "2024-04-30T08:01:32Z",
        "updated_at": "2024-04-30T08:01:32Z"

The table below lists the various parameters returned in the refund response object.

order_idstringUnique identifier of the order in the Plural database.

Example: v1-5757575757-aa-hU1rUd
refundsobjectAn object that contains the refund details.

Learn more about our refunds child object.

Refunds [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the refunds child object. This object is part of the refunds sample response object.

merchant_refund_referencestringMerchant unique identifier for the refund reference.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
  • Minimum length: 1 characters.
Example: 23242324232423
refund_idstringUnique identifier of the refund in the Plural database.

Example: v1-3314042524-ga-0Y129h
statusstringRefund statuses.

Possible values:
  • CREATED: When the refund is successfully created.
  • PENDING: We have processed the refund and waiting for the response from the acquirer.
  • PROCESSED: When the refund is successful.
  • FAILED: When the refund gets failed this could be for many reasons such refund time expiry etc.
merchant_idstringUnique identifier of the merchant in the Plural database.

Example: 123456
refund_amountobjectAn object that contains the refund amount details.

Learn more about our refund_amount child object.
created_atstringUnix timestamp when the create refund request was received by Plural.

Example: 2024-07-09T07:57:08.022056Z
updated_atstringUnix timestamp when the refund response object is updated.

Example: 2024-07-09T07:57:08.022065Z

Refund Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the refund_amount child object. This object is part of the refunds object.

valueintegerRefund amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1).
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 100
currencystringType of currency.

Example: INR