Overview of the settlements response object.

List all Settlements

Shown below is a sample response returned through our List all Settlements API.

  "data": [
      "total_amount": 0.96,
      "actual_transaction_amount": 2,
      "total_deduction_amount": 0.08,
      "total_transactions_count": 2,
      "last_processed_date": "2024-10-09T07:00:00",
      "settled_date": "2024-10-09T10:59:46",
      "utr_number": "410092786849",
      "programs": [
      "system": "PG",
      "bank_name": "HDFC Bank Ltd",
      "bank_acc_number": "04992990009595"
      "total_amount": 0.98,
      "actual_transaction_amount": 1,
      "total_deduction_amount": 0.04,
      "total_transactions_count": 1,
      "last_processed_date": "2024-10-08T07:00:00",
      "settled_date": "2024-10-08T11:16:40",
      "utr_number": "410080488411",
      "programs": [
      "system": "PG",
      "bank_name": "HDFC Bank Ltd",
      "bank_acc_number": "04992990009595"
      "total_amount": 0.96,
      "actual_transaction_amount": 2,
      "total_deduction_amount": 0.08,
      "total_transactions_count": 2,
      "last_processed_date": "2024-10-07T07:00:00",
      "settled_date": "2024-10-07T11:36:44",
      "utr_number": "410077587729",
      "programs": [
      "system": "PG",
      "bank_name": "HDFC Bank Ltd",
      "bank_acc_number": "04992990009595"
      "total_amount": 3.92,
      "actual_transaction_amount": 4,
      "total_deduction_amount": 0.16,
      "total_transactions_count": 4,
      "last_processed_date": "2024-10-06T07:00:00",
      "settled_date": "2024-10-07T10:48:02",
      "utr_number": "410077424703",
      "programs": [
      "system": "PG",
      "bank_name": "HDFC Bank Ltd",
      "bank_acc_number": "04992990009595"
      "total_amount": 0.98,
      "actual_transaction_amount": 1,
      "total_deduction_amount": 0.04,
      "total_transactions_count": 1,
      "last_processed_date": "2024-10-05T07:00:00",
      "settled_date": "2024-10-05T10:58:12",
      "utr_number": "410055402704",
      "programs": [
      "system": "PG",
      "bank_name": "HDFC Bank Ltd",
      "bank_acc_number": "04992990009595"
      "total_amount": 1.94,
      "actual_transaction_amount": 3,
      "total_deduction_amount": 0.12,
      "total_transactions_count": 3,
      "last_processed_date": "2024-10-04T06:32:13",
      "settled_date": "2024-10-04T11:14:39",
      "utr_number": "410041942381",
      "programs": [
      "system": "PG",
      "bank_name": "HDFC Bank Ltd",
      "bank_acc_number": "04992990009595"
      "total_amount": 0.98,
      "actual_transaction_amount": 1,
      "total_deduction_amount": 0.04,
      "total_transactions_count": 1,
      "last_processed_date": "2024-10-03T06:35:20",
      "settled_date": "2024-10-03T10:58:43",
      "utr_number": "410039900271",
      "programs": [
      "system": "PG",
      "bank_name": "HDFC Bank Ltd",
      "bank_acc_number": "04992990009595"
  "total_settlement_count": 7,
  "total_transactions_count": 14,
  "total_settlement_amount": 10.72

The table below lists the various parameters returned in the Settlements response object.

dataarray of objectsAn array of objects that contains the settlement objects.
total_settlement_countintegerThe total number of settlement.

Example: 7
total_transactions_countintegerThe total number of transactions.

Example: 14
total_settlement_amountintegerThe total settlement amount.

Example: 15

Data [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the data child object. This is part of the settlement response object.

total_amountintegerTotal settlement amount.

Example: 0.98
actual_transaction_amountintegerThe total transaction amount without deductions.

Example: 1
total_deduction_amountintegerTotal deduction amount for a transaction.

Example: 0.04
total_transactions_countintegerThe total number of transactions settled within a specific UTR [Unique Transaction Reference].

Example: 1
last_processed_datestringThe date when the transaction was last processed and selected for settlement.

Example: 2024-10-05T07:00:00
settled_datestringThe date on which a batch of transactions was settled..

Example: 2024-10-03T10:58:43
utr_numberstringUnique transaction reference [UTR] generated for the settlement.

Example: 410039900271
programsarray of objectsAn array of objects that contains all the program details.
systemstringA constant string value.

Has to be 2 digits.

Example: PG
bank_namestringSettlement bank name.
  • Minimum length: 1 characters
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: HDFC Bank Ltd
bank_acc_numberstringSettlement bank account number.
  • Minimum length: 1 characters
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: 04992990009595

List Settlements by UTR

Shown below is a sample response returned through our list settlements by UTR API.

    "utr_number": "410092786849",
    "bank_name": "HDFC Bank Ltd",
    "bank_acc_number": "04992990009595",
    "programs": [
    "total_transaction_count": 2,
    "total_transaction_amount": 2,
    "actual_transaction_amount": 2,
    "total_refund": 0,
    "total_chargeback_recovery_amount": 0,
    "total_loan_recovery_amount": 0,
    "total_mdr_amount": 0.04,
    "total_gst_amount": 0,
    "total_late_settlement_fee": 0,
    "total_settled_amount": 0.96,
    "total_mar_amount": 0,
    "split_fund_amount": 0,
    "total_platform_fee": 0,
    "other_deductions": 0,
    "additional_mdr_amount": 0,
    "total_convenience_fee": 0,
    "total_gst_on_c_c_f": 0,
    "total_cashback_amount": 0,
    "total_merchant_cashback": 0,
    "total_merchant_convenience_fee": 0,
    "transactions": [
            "transaction_id": "v1-241008182747-aa-8JwMy9-up-k",
            "system": "PG",
            "processed_date": "2024-10-09T07:00:00",
            "transaction_date": "2024-10-08T00:00:00",
            "transaction_amount": 1,
            "actual_transaction_amount": 1,
            "total_deduction_amount": 0.02,
            "settled_amount": 0,
            "store_address": "sec 62 noida",
            "acquirer_name": "UPI_HDFC",
            "tid": "HDFC000028502654",
            "is_emi": false,
            "utr_number": "410092786849",
            "program": "UPI",
            "payout_status": "Success"
            "transaction_id": "v1-241008182412-aa-rnfH9Q-up-F",
            "system": "PG",
            "processed_date": "2024-10-09T07:00:00",
            "transaction_date": "2024-10-08T00:00:00",
            "transaction_amount": 1,
            "actual_transaction_amount": 1,
            "total_deduction_amount": 0.02,
            "settled_amount": 0.96,
            "store_address": "sec 62 noida",
            "acquirer_name": "UPI_HDFC",
            "tid": "HDFC000028502654",
            "is_emi": false,
            "utr_number": "410092786849",
            "program": "UPI",
            "payout_status": "Success"
    "pagination": {
        "total_pages": 2,
        "current_page": "1"

The table below lists the various parameters returned in the Settlements response object.

utr_numberstringUnique Transaction Reference [UTR] provided by the Bank.
  • Minimum length: 16 characters.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: 410092786849
bank_namestringSettlement bank name.

Example: HDFC Bank Ltd
bank_acc_numberstringSettlement bank account number.

Example: 04992990009595
programsarray of objectAn array of objects that contains all the program details.
total_transaction_countintegerThe total number of transactions settled within a specific UTR [Unique Transaction Reference].

Example: 1
total_transaction_amountintegerThe total transaction amount settled after deductions within a specific UTR [Unique Transaction Reference].

Example: 2
actual_transaction_amountintegerThe total transaction amount without deductions.

Example: 1
total_refundintegerTotal refund amount deducted within a UTR.

Example: 0
total_chargeback_recovery_amountintegerThe total chargeback recovery amount in given UTR.

Example: 0
total_loan_recovery_amountintegerThe total amount recovered from loan in given UTR.

Example: 0
total_mdr_amountintegerThe total MDR [Merchant Discount Rate] amount deducted in given UTR.

Example: 0.04
total_gst_amountintegerThe total GST amount charged within a given UTR.

Example: 0
total_late_settlement_feeintegerThe total fee charged for late settlement in the given UTR.

Example: 0
total_settled_amountintegerThe total amount settled within a given UTR.

Example: 0.96
total_mar_amountintegerThe total Merchant Acquisition Rate [MAR] charged.

Example: 0
split_fund_amountintegerThe split amount of the transaction.

Example: 0
total_platform_feeintegerThe total fee charged by the platform.

Example: 0
other_deductionsintegerOther deductions of the transaction.

Example: 0
additional_mdr_amountintegerAdditional MDR [Merchant Discount Rate] deducted.

Example: 0
total_convenience_feeintegerThe total convenience fee charged.

Example: 0
total_gst_on_c_c_fintegerGST charged on convenience fees.

Example: 0
total_cashback_amountintegerThe total cashback amount provided.

Example: 0
total_merchant_cashbackintegerThe total cashback amount provided.

Example: 0
total_merchant_convenience_feeintegerThe total convenience fee charged.

Example: 0
transactionsarray of objectsAn array of objects that contains the transaction details.
paginationobjectAn object that contains the pagination details.

Transactions [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the transactions child object. This is part of the settlements by UTR response object.

transaction_idstringUnique identifier for a transaction in Plural database.

Example: v1-241008182747-aa-8JwMy9-up-k
systemstringA constant string value.

Has to be 2 digits.

Example: PG
processed_datestringThe date when the transaction was processed.

Example: 2024-10-09T07:00:00
transaction_datestringThe date of the transaction.

Example: 2024-10-08T00:00:00
transaction_amountintegerThe transaction amount.

Example: 1
actual_transaction_amountintegerThe total transaction amount without deductions.

Example: 1
total_deduction_amountintegerTotal deduction amount for a transaction.

Example: 0.02
settled_amountintegerThe total settlement amount of the transaction.

Example: 0
store_addressstringThe address of the store where the transaction was created.

Example: sec 62 noida

Note: Applicable only in case of pos transactions.
acquirer_namestringThe name of the acquirer.

Example: UPI_HDFC
tidstringThe Terminal ID for the transaction.

Example: HDFC000028502654
is_emibooleanThis Indicates if the transaction was an EMI [Equated Monthly Installment].

Example: false
utr_numberstringUnique Transaction Reference [UTR] provided by the Bank.
  • Minimum length: 16 characters.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: 410092786849
programstringThe payment method used for the transaction.

Example: UPI
payout_statusstringThe status of the payout.

Example: Success

Pagination [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the pagination child object. This is part of the settlements by UTR response object.

total_pagesintegerThe total number of pages.

Example: 2
current_pagestringCurrent page.

Example: 1