This API Help to create an Order Token.

Request Body

AttributeData typeM/O/CDescription
merchant_idintegerMmerchant_id is the unique identifier of the merchant.
merchant_access_codestring(Length = 50 Characters)MPlural provides Merchant access code to Merchant. merchant_access_code can be found under the credentials section of the settings section of Plural Console dashboard.
merchant_return_urlstring(Length=500 Characters)MMerchant url is provided by the Merchant. The customer is redirected to the merchant_return_url once the transaction is completed.
merchant_order_idstring(Length = 200 Characters)MUnique Order id of transaction maintained at Merchant end
amountlongMThe amount of the order in paise.
currency_codestringMCurrency code in which in the payment is intended. The currency code for Indian rupee is 'INR'.
order_descstringOThe decription of the order
customer_data{}OCustomer's details is to be provided.
country_codestring(Length = 10 Characters)OThe country code of the mobile number of the customer. Country code for India is 91.
mobile_numberstring(Length = 20 Characters)OMobile number of the customer.
email_idstring(Length = 100 Characters)OEmail id of the cusotmer.
billing_address_data{}CBilling address of the customer.
first_namestring(Length=50 Characters)First name of the customer.
last_namestring(Length=50 Characters)Last name of the customer.
address1string(Length=200 Characters)First line of the address of the customer.
address2string(Length=200 Characters)Second line of the address of the customer.
address3string(Length=200 Characters)Third line of the address of the customer.
pin_codestring(Length=50 Characters)PIN Code
citystring(Length=50 Characters)City
statestring(Length=50 Characters)State
countrystring(Length=50 Characters)Country
shipping_address_data{}CShipping address details of the order.
first_namestring(Length=50 Characters)First name of the customer.
last_namestring(Length=50 Characters)Last name of the customer.
address1string(Length=200 Characters)First line of the address of the customer.
address2string(Length=200 Characters)Second line of the address of the customer.
address3string(Length=200 Characters)Third line of the address of the customer.
pin_codestring(Length=50 Characters)PIN code
citystring(Length=50 Characters)City
statestring(Length=50 Characters)State
countrystring(Length=50 Characters)Country
product_detailsArray of object[{},{}]CThe data of the products comprised in the order. This is required in case of Brand EMI.
product_codestringMProduct code of the products added in the order. This code is to be provided in case of offers applied on these products.
product_amountlongMThe product amount in paise.
rfu1string(Length=200 Characters)
rfu2string(Length=200 Characters)
rfu3string(Length=200 Characters)
rfu4string(Length=200 Characters)
rfu5string(Length=200 Characters)
rfu6string(Length=200 Characters)
rfu7string(Length=200 Characters)
rfu8string(Length=200 Characters)
rfu9string(Length=200 Characters)
rfu10string(Length=200 Characters)
startDatestring(UTC time format
example: 2023-01-31T18:30:00Z )
endDatestring(UTC time format
example: 2023-02-15T18:30:00Z)
planIdstringrequired only for plural maintained plan
merchantPlanIdstringrequired only for merchant maintained plan
planNamerequired only for merchant maintained plan
frequencyTyperequired only for merchant maintained plan
amount{}required only for merchant maintained plan
maxLimitAmount{}required only for merchant maintained plan

Response Body

FieldsData typeDescription
tokenstringOrder token which requires in process payment API. Order token will be expire after threshold time
plural_order_idstringPlural order id
FieldsData typeDescription
error_codestringResponse's error code
error_messagestringResponse error message
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