Overview of Customers sample response object.

Shown below are the sample response returned through our Customers APIs.

  "customer_id": "cust-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR",
  "merchant_customer_reference": "",
  "first_name": "Kevin",
  "last_name": "Bob",
  "country_code": "91",
  "mobile_number": "9876543210",
  "email_id": "[email protected]",
  "billing_address": {
    "address1": "10 Downing Street Westminster London",
    "address2": "Oxford Street Westminster London",
    "address3": "Baker Street Westminster London",
    "pincode": "51524036",
    "city": "Westminster",
    "state": "Westminster",
    "country": "London"
  "shipping_address": {
    "address1": "10 Downing Street Westminster London",
    "address2": "Oxford Street Westminster London",
    "address3": "Baker Street Westminster London",
    "pincode": "51524036",
    "city": "Westminster",
    "state": "Westminster",
    "country": "London"
  "gstin": "",
  "merchant_metadata": {
    "key1": "XX",
    "key2": "DOF"
  "status": "INACTIVE",
  "created_at": "2024-10-04T13:11:29.645591Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-10-04T13:11:29.645657Z"

The table below lists the various parameters returned in the orders response objects.

customer_idstringUnique identifier of the customer in the Plural database.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: cust-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR
merchant_customer_referencestringUnique identifier entered while creating a customer.
  • Minimum length: 1 character.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: 82d57572-057c-4826-5775-385a52150554
first_namestringCustomer's first name.
  • Minimum length: 1 character.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: Kevin
last_namestringCustomer's last name.
  • Minimum length: 1 character.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: Bob
country_codestringCountry code of the registered mobile number.

Example: 91
mobile_numberstringCustomer's mobile number.
  • Minimum length: 9 character.
  • Maximum length: 20 characters.
Example: 9876543210

Supported characters:
  • 0-9
  • +
billing_addressobjectAn object that contains the details of the billing address.

Learn more about the billing_address child object.
shipping_addressobjectAn object that contains the shipping address details.

Learn more about the shipping_address child object.
gstinbooleanCustomers unique GSTIN.

Example: 28ABCDE1234F2Z6
merchant_metadataobjectAn object of key-value pair that can be used to store additional information.

Example: "key1": "DD"
statusobjectCustomer status.

Possible values:
  • Inactive: The customer profile is created but not yet activated.
  • Active: The customer is verified and can use saved tokens for transactions.
  • Suspended: The customer is temporarily restricted from transactions.
  • Deleted: The customer profile is removed and cannot be reactivated.
created_atstringThe ISO 8601 UTC Timestamp, when the create customer request was received by Plural.

Example: 2024-10-04T13:11:29.645591Z
updated_atstringThe ISO 8601 UTC Timestamp, when the customer object is updated.

Example: 2024-10-04T13:11:29.645657Z

Billing Address [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the billing_address child object. This is part of the customer object.

address1stringCustomer's billing address1.
  • Maximum length: 100 characters.
Example: 10 Downing Street Westminster London
address2stringCustomer's billing address2.
  • Maximum length: 100 characters.
Example: Oxford Street Westminster London
address3stringCustomer's billing address3.
  • Maximum length: 100 characters.
Example: Baker Street Westminster London
pincodestringPincode of the billing address.
  • Minimum length: 6 characters.
  • Maximum length: 10 characters.
Example: 51524036

Supported characters:
  • 0-9
citystringCity of the billing address.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: Westminster
statestringState of the billing address.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: Westminster
countrystringCountry of the billing address.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: London

Shipping Address [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the shipping_address child object. This is part of the customer object.

address1stringCustomer's shipping address1.
  • Maximum length: 100 characters.
Example: 10 Downing Street Westminster London
address2stringCustomer's shipping address2.
  • Maximum length: 100 characters.
Example: Oxford Street Westminster London
address3stringCustomer's shipping address3.
  • Maximum length: 100 characters.
Example: Baker Street Westminster London
pincodestringPincode of the shipping address.
  • Minimum length: 6 characters.
  • Maximum length: 10 characters.
Example: 51524036

Supported characters:
  • 0-9
citystringCity of the shipping address.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: Westminster
statestringState of the shipping address.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: Westminster
countrystringCountry of the shipping address.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: London