Overview of the token APIs response object.

The table below lists the response objects received for the different Tokens APIs.

Token API
Generate Card TokenCard Token Object
Generate CryptogramCryptogram Object
Get Customer TokenCustomer Token Object
Delete TokenDelete Token Object

Card Token Object

Shown below is a sample response returned through our Generate Card Token API.

  "token_id": "token-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR",
  "customer_id": "cust-786cdrexrt",
  "merchant_token_reference": "ec71b52e-c21f-4ac5-8624-385d6b6bdccc",
  "status": "ACTIVE",
  "created_at": "2024-10-04T13:11:29.645657Z",
  "updated_at": "2024-10-04T13:11:29.645657Z"

The table below lists the various parameters returned in the Generate Card Token API response.

token_idstringUnique identifier of the token in the Plural database.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: token-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR
customer_idstringUnique identifier of the customer in the Plural database.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: cust-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR
merchant_token_referencestringUnique identifier entered while creating a token.
  • Minimum length: 1 character.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: 82d57572-057c-4826-5775-385a52150554
statusstringToken status.

Possible values:
  • Initiated: It's a token's initial state, indicating that Plural is working with token service providers to generate it.
  • Active: It's a token's active state, achieved when the service_provider_token status is marked as active by the network token service providers.
  • Suspended: The token status changes to suspended when it is not active for any token service provider or is marked as suspended by network token service providers.
  • Failed: The token status changes to failed if it is marked as failed by all service providers.
  • Deactivated: The status will be deactivated if it is neither active nor suspended for all token service providers or if the token is deactivated by network token service providers.
created_atstringThe ISO 8601 UTC Timestamp, when the create token was received by Plural.

Example: 2024-10-04T13:11:29.655592Z
updated_atstringThe ISO 8601 UTC Timestamp, when the token is updated.

Example: 2024-10-04T13:11:29.645657Z


Shown below is a sample response returned through our Generate Cryptogram API.

  "token_id": "token-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR",
  "merchant_token_reference": "ec71b52e-c21f-4ac5-8624-385d6b6bdccc",
  "service_provider_token_id": "tp-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR",
  "token_data": {
    "cryptogram": "/wAAAAAAl9SX1HsAmWKSgqwAAAA=",
    "token_reference": "sas7wqaoidasdfssdjjk",
    "payment_account_reference": "8324ssdas7wqaoidassdjjk",
    "token_expiry_month": 5,
    "token_expiry_year": 2030

The table below lists the various parameters returned in the Generate Cryptogram API response.

token_idstringUnique identifier of the token in the Plural database.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: token-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR
merchant_token_referencestringUnique identifier entered while creating a token.
  • Minimum length: 1 character.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: 82d57572-057c-4826-5775-385a52150554
service_provider_token_idstringUnique service provider reference in the Plural database.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: tp-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR
token_dataobjectAn object that contains the token details.

Learn more about the token_data child object.

Token Data [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the token_data child object. This is part of the cryptogram response object.

cryptogramstringDynamically generated encrypted value to authenticate and protect card-not-present (CNP) transactions.

token_referencestringUnique identifier entered while creating a token.
  • Minimum length: 1 character.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: 82d57572-057c-4826-5775-385a52150554
payment_account_referencestringUnique identifier of a payment account which is independent of the card number.

Example: 500167T12CBJM1WXT8C7WSENYDYSY
token_expiry_monthstringThe month when the payment token expires.

Example: 02
token_expiry_yearstringThe year when the payment token expires.

Example: 2025

Customer Token

Shown below are the sample response returned through our customer token APIs.

  "customer_id": "cust-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR",
  "tokens": [
      "token_id": "token-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR",
      "merchant_token_reference": "",
      "status": "ACTIVE",
      "payment_method": "CARD",
      "expired_at": "2024-10-04T13:11:29.645591Z",
      "created_at": "2024-10-04T13:11:29.645591Z",
      "updated_at": "2024-10-04T13:11:29.645657Z",
      "status_reason": null,
      "merchant_metadata": {
        "key1": "XX",
        "key2": "DOF"
      "card_data": {
        "last4_digit": "2363",
        "card_type": "CREDIT",
        "network_name": "VISA",
        "issuer_name": "HDFC",
        "card_category": "Consumer",
        "country_code": "IND",
        "international": false,
        "emi": true,
        "cvv_required": false
      "is_compliant": true

The table below lists the various parameters returned in the orders response objects.

customer_idstringUnique identifier of the customer in the Plural database.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: cust-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR
tokensarray of objectsAn array of object that contains the token information details.

Learn more about the tokens child object.

Tokens [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the tokens child object. This is part of the tokens response object.

token_idstringUnique identifier of the token in the Plural database.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: token-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR
merchant_token_referencestringUnique identifier entered while creating a token.
  • Minimum length: 1 character.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: 82d57572-057c-4826-5775-385a52150554
statusstringToken status.

Possible values:
  • Initiated: It's a token's initial state, indicating that Plural is working with token service providers to generate it.
  • Active: It's a token's active state, achieved when the service_provider_token status is marked as active by the network token service providers.
  • Suspended: The token status changes to suspended when it is not active for any token service provider or is marked as suspended by network token service providers.
  • Failed: The token status changes to failed if it is marked as failed by all service providers.
  • Deactivated: The status will be deactivated if it is neither active nor suspended for all token service providers or if the token is deactivated by network token service providers.
payment_methodstringType of payment method.

Accepted values:
  • CARD
  • UPI
Example: CARD
expired_atstringThe ISO 8601 UTC Timestamp, when the token get expired.

Example: 2024-10-04T13:11:29.645591Z
created_atstringThe ISO 8601 UTC Timestamp, when the create token was received by Plural.

Example: 2024-10-04T13:11:29.655592Z
updated_atstringThe ISO 8601 UTC Timestamp, when the token is updated.

Example: 2024-10-04T13:11:29.645657Z
status_reasonstringReason corresponding to the payment token status.

Example: payment token expired
merchant_metadataobjectAn object of key-value pair that can be used to store additional information.

Example: "key1": "DD"
card_dataobjectAn object that contains the card details.

Learn more about the card_data child object.
is_compliantbooleanStatus of the token compliant as per Reserve Bank Of India (RBI) regulations.

Example: true

Card Data [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the card_data child object. This is part of the tokens object.

last4_digitstringThe last four digits of your card number.

Has to be 4 digits.

Example: 1234

Supported characters: 0-9
card_typestringType of card.

Possible values:
Example: CREDIT
network_namestringCard network providers.

Example: VISA
issuer_namestringCard issuer entity.

Example: HDFC
card_categorystringThe card category type.

Possible values:
country_codestringCard issuers Country.

Example: IND
internationalbooleanInternational transaction support status.

Possible values:
  • true: Supports international transaction.
  • false: Do not support international transactions.
emibooleanEMI Transaction support status.

Possible values:
  • true: Supports EMI transactions.
  • false: Do not support EMI transactions.
cvv_requiredbooleanIs CVV required for the transaction.

Possible values:
  • true: CVV is required for the transaction.
  • false: CVV is not required for the transaction.

Delete Token

Shown below is a sample response returned through our Delete Token API.

  "customer_id": "cust-786cdrexrt",
  "token-id": "ec71b52e-c21f-4ac5-8624-385d6b6bdccc",
  "status": "DELETED",
  "merchant_unique_reference": "dx98b63e-c74g-5ac4-632e-346d6c7bdwka"

The table below lists the various parameters returned in the Delete Token API response.

token_idstringUnique identifier of the token in the Plural database.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: `ec71b52e-c21f-4ac5-8624-385d6b6bdccc
customer_idstringUnique identifier of the customer in the Plural database.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: cust-v1-0811030624-aa-RBDgpR
merchant_token_referencestringUnique identifier entered while creating a token.
  • Minimum length: 1 character.
  • Maximum length: 50 characters.
Example: 82d57572-057c-4826-5775-385a52150554
statusstringToken status.

Possible values:
  • Initiated: It's a token's initial state, indicating that Plural is working with token service providers to generate it.
  • Active: It's a token's active state, achieved when the service_provider_token status is marked as active by the network token service providers.
  • Suspended: The token status changes to suspended when it is not active for any token service provider or is marked as suspended by network token service providers.
  • Failed: The token status changes to failed if it is marked as failed by all service providers.
  • Deactivated: The status will be deactivated if it is neither active nor suspended for all token service providers or if the token is deactivated by network token service providers.
created_atstringThe ISO 8601 UTC Timestamp, when the create token was received by Plural.

Example: 2024-10-04T13:11:29.655592Z
updated_atstringThe ISO 8601 UTC Timestamp, when the token is updated.

Example: 2024-10-04T13:11:29.645657Z