Overview of the Offer Discovery API response object.

Shown below is a sample response returned through our Offer Discovery API.

  "issuers": [
      "id": "23",
      "name": "INDUSIND CC",
      "display_name": "INDUSIND",
      "issuer_type": "CC_BANK",
      "priority": 1,
      "tenures": [
          "tenure_id": "1",
          "name": "3 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 3,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1563",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63813"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1200000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1232139
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 410713
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1232139
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 32139
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
          "tenure_id": "2",
          "name": "6 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 6,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1563",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63813"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1200000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1256616
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 209436
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1256616
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 56616
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
          "tenure_id": "3",
          "name": "9 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 9,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1563",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63813"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1200000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1281411
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 142379
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1281411
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 81411
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
          "tenure_id": "4",
          "name": "12 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 12,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1563",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63813"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1200000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1306524
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 108877
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1306524
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 106524
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
          "tenure_id": "5",
          "name": "18 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 18,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1563",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63813"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1200000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1357686
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 75427
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1357686
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 157686
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
          "tenure_id": "6",
          "name": "24 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 24,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1563",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63813"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1200000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1410120
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 58755
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1410120
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 210120
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
      "issuer_data": {
        "otp_length": 5,
        "otp_time_in_sec": 180,
        "otp_retry_count": 5,
        "is_consent_page_required": true,
        "consent_data": "<div classname=concent-container><div classname=concentTitle>Consent Clause :</div><div classname=concentSection><div classname=concentText>I/We hereby expressly authorize and give consent to ICICI Bank to, disclose, transfer or part with any of my/our information, (including location), or any other device information when ICICI Bank considers such disclosure as necessary, with:{' '}</div></div><div classname=concentSection><div classname=concentText>A. Agents of ICICI Bank, ICICI Bank's group entities/in any jurisdiction;</div><div classname=concentText>B. Auditors, credit rating agencies/credit bureaus, statutory/regulatory authorities, governmental/administrative authorities, Central Know Your Customer (CKYC) registry or SEBI Know Your Client registration agency, having jurisdiction over ICICI Bank or its group entities;{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>{' '} C. Service providers, or such person with whom ICICI Bank contracts or proposes to contract; (Collectively referred to as “Permitted Persons”){' '}</div></div><div classname=concentSection><div classname=concentText>For the purposes of:</div><div classname=concentText>1. Provision of the facility and completion of on-boarding formalities; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>2. Complying with KYC requirements; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>{' '} 3. Compliance with applicable laws or any order (judicial or otherwise), statutory/regulatory requirement; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>{' '} 4. For credit review of facilities availed; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>5. Authentication or verification; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>6. Research or analysis, credit reporting & scoring, risk management, participation in any telecommunication; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>7. Electronic clearing network and for use or processing of the said information/data.{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>{' '} 8. Disclosing any default in payment, for the purposes of recovering such amounts.{' '}</div></div><div classname=concentText>D. For detailed Privacy Policy of the ICICI bank, please visit{' '} <a classname=concent-doc-link href=https://www.icicibank.com/privacy.page rel=noreferrer target=_blank><u>https://www.icicibank.com/privacy.page</u></a></div></div>",
        "terms_and_conditions": "Sample TNC",
        "show_key_fact_statement": true,
        "auth_type": "PENNY_DROP",
        "penny_transaction_amount": {
          "currency": "INR",
          "value": 100
        "is_tokenized_transaction_supported": false
  "issuers": [
      "id": "25",
      "name": "PNB CC",
      "display_name": "PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK",
      "issuer_type": "CC_BANK",
      "priority": 1,
      "tenures": [
          "tenure_id": "1",
          "name": "3 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 3,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BRAND_EMI",
              "offer_id": "309",
              "offer_parameter_id": "20"
          "details": [
              "product_code": "redmi_1",
              "brand_id": "3",
              "product_offer_parameters": [
                  "program_type": "BRAND_OFFER",
                  "offer_id": "309",
                  "offer_parameter_id": "20"
              "product_amount": {
                "currency": "INR",
                "value": 2000000
              "subvention": {
                "subvention_type": "INSTANT",
                "offer_type": "NO_COST",
                "percentage": 5,
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 85714
                "breakup": {
                  "brand": {
                    "amount": {
                      "currency": "INR",
                      "value": 85714
              "discount": {
                "discount_type": "INSTANT",
                "percentage": 10,
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 200000
                "breakup": {
                  "merchant": {
                    "amount": {
                      "currency": "INR",
                      "value": 100000
                  "brand": {
                    "amount": {
                      "currency": "INR",
                      "value": 100000
          "discount": {
            "discount_type": "INSTANT",
            "percentage": 10,
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 200000
            "breakup": {
              "merchant": {
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 100000
              "brand": {
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 100000
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1714286
          "total_discount_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 200000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1760202
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 586734
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1760202
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 45916
          "total_subvention_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 85714
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "NO_COST"
          "tenure_id": "12",
          "name": "36 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 36,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1562",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63812"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2000000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2531304
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 70314
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2531304
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 531304
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
          "tenure_id": "2",
          "name": "6 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 6,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BRAND_EMI",
              "offer_id": "309",
              "offer_parameter_id": "20"
          "details": [
              "product_code": "redmi_1",
              "brand_id": "3",
              "product_offer_parameters": [
                  "program_type": "BRAND_OFFER",
                  "offer_id": "309",
                  "offer_parameter_id": "20"
              "product_amount": {
                "currency": "INR",
                "value": 2000000
              "subvention": {
                "subvention_type": "POST",
                "offer_type": "NO_COST",
                "percentage": 5,
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 90000
                "breakup": {
                  "brand": {
                    "amount": {
                      "currency": "INR",
                      "value": 90000
              "discount": {
                "discount_type": "INSTANT",
                "percentage": 10,
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 200000
                "breakup": {
                  "merchant": {
                    "amount": {
                      "currency": "INR",
                      "value": 100000
                  "brand": {
                    "amount": {
                      "currency": "INR",
                      "value": 100000
          "discount": {
            "discount_type": "INSTANT",
            "percentage": 10,
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 200000
            "breakup": {
              "merchant": {
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 100000
              "brand": {
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 100000
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1800000
          "total_discount_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 200000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1884924
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 314154
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1884924
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 84924
          "total_subvention_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 90000
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "NO_COST"
          "tenure_id": "3",
          "name": "9 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 9,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BRAND_EMI",
              "offer_id": "309",
              "offer_parameter_id": "20"
          "details": [
              "product_code": "redmi_1",
              "brand_id": "3",
              "product_offer_parameters": [
                  "program_type": "BRAND_OFFER",
                  "offer_id": "309",
                  "offer_parameter_id": "20"
              "product_amount": {
                "currency": "INR",
                "value": 2000000
              "subvention": {
                "subvention_type": "POST",
                "offer_type": "NO_COST",
                "percentage": 5,
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 90000
                "breakup": {
                  "brand": {
                    "amount": {
                      "currency": "INR",
                      "value": 90000
              "discount": {
                "discount_type": "INSTANT",
                "percentage": 10,
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 200000
                "breakup": {
                  "merchant": {
                    "amount": {
                      "currency": "INR",
                      "value": 100000
                  "brand": {
                    "amount": {
                      "currency": "INR",
                      "value": 100000
          "discount": {
            "discount_type": "INSTANT",
            "percentage": 10,
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 200000
            "breakup": {
              "merchant": {
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 100000
              "brand": {
                "amount": {
                  "currency": "INR",
                  "value": 100000
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1800000
          "total_discount_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 200000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1922112
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 213568
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 1922112
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 122112
          "total_subvention_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 90000
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 29900
          "emi_type": "LOW_COST"
          "tenure_id": "4",
          "name": "12 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 12,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1563",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63813"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2000000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2177532
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 181461
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2177532
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 177532
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
          "tenure_id": "5",
          "name": "18 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 18,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1595",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63850"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2000000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2262816
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 125712
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2262816
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 262816
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
          "tenure_id": "6",
          "name": "24 Months",
          "tenure_type": "MONTH",
          "tenure_value": 24,
          "issuer_offer_parameters": [
              "program_type": "BANK_EMI",
              "offer_id": "1563",
              "offer_parameter_id": "63813"
          "details": [],
          "loan_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2000000
          "net_payment_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2350224
          "monthly_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 97926
          "total_emi_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 2350224
          "interest_amount": {
            "currency": "INR",
            "value": 350224
          "interest_rate_percentage": 16,
          "processing_fee_details": {
            "amount": {
              "currency": "INR",
              "value": 19900
          "emi_type": "STANDARD"
      "issuer_data": {
        "otp_length": 5,
        "otp_time_in_sec": 180,
        "otp_retry_count": 5,
        "is_consent_page_required": true,
        "consent_data": "<div classname=concent-container><div classname=concentTitle>Consent Clause :</div><div classname=concentSection><div classname=concentText>I/We hereby expressly authorize and give consent to ICICI Bank to, disclose, transfer or part with any of my/our information, (including location), or any other device information when ICICI Bank considers such disclosure as necessary, with:{' '}</div></div><div classname=concentSection><div classname=concentText>A. Agents of ICICI Bank, ICICI Bank's group entities/in any jurisdiction;</div><div classname=concentText>B. Auditors, credit rating agencies/credit bureaus, statutory/regulatory authorities, governmental/administrative authorities, Central Know Your Customer (CKYC) registry or SEBI Know Your Client registration agency, having jurisdiction over ICICI Bank or its group entities;{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>{' '} C. Service providers, or such person with whom ICICI Bank contracts or proposes to contract; (Collectively referred to as “Permitted Persons”){' '}</div></div><div classname=concentSection><div classname=concentText>For the purposes of:</div><div classname=concentText>1. Provision of the facility and completion of on-boarding formalities; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>2. Complying with KYC requirements; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>{' '} 3. Compliance with applicable laws or any order (judicial or otherwise), statutory/regulatory requirement; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>{' '} 4. For credit review of facilities availed; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>5. Authentication or verification; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>6. Research or analysis, credit reporting & scoring, risk management, participation in any telecommunication; or{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>7. Electronic clearing network and for use or processing of the said information/data.{' '}</div><div classname=concentText>{' '} 8. Disclosing any default in payment, for the purposes of recovering such amounts.{' '}</div></div><div classname=concentText>D. For detailed Privacy Policy of the ICICI bank, please visit{' '} <a classname=concent-doc-link href=https://www.icicibank.com/privacy.page rel=noreferrer target=_blank><u>https://www.icicibank.com/privacy.page</u></a></div></div>",
        "terms_and_conditions": "Sample TNC",
        "show_key_fact_statement": true,
        "auth_type": "PENNY_DROP",
        "penny_transaction_amount": {
          "currency": "INR",
          "value": 100
        "is_tokenized_transaction_supported": false

The table below lists the various parameters returned in the offer discovery response object.

idStringUnique identifier of the issuer id in the Plural database.

Example: 23
nameStringName of the Issuer.

display_namestringName of the issuer offering the offer.

issuer_typeStringThe type of the Issuer offering the offer.

Accepted values:
  • Credit
  • Debit
  • Cardless
  • NBFC
priorityintegerThe priority of the issuer providing the offer.

Example: 1
tenuresarray of objectsAn array of objects that contains the tenures details.

Learn more about the tenures child object.
issuer_dataobjectsAn object that contains the issuer data details.

Learn more about the issuer_data child object.

Tenures [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the tenures object. This is part of the offer discovery response object.

tenure_idStringTenure id in the Plural database.

Example: 1
nameStringThe name of the Issuer offering the offer..

Example: 3 Months
tenure_typeStringThe type of the Tenure.

Accepted values:
tenure_valueintegerThe value of the tenure.

Example: 3
issuer_offer_parametersarray of objectsAn array of objects that contains the issuer_offer_parameters details.

Learn more about the issuer_offer_parameters child object.
detailsarray of objectsAn array of objects that contains the product details.

Learn more about the details child object.
discountobjectAn object that contains the discount details.

Learn more about the discount child object.
loan_amountobjectAn object that contains the loan amount details.

Learn more about the loan_amount child object.
total_discount_amountobjectAn object that contains the total discount amount details.

Learn more about the total_discount_amount child object.
net_payment_amountobjectAn object that contains the net payment amount details.

Learn more about the net_payment_amount child object.
monthly_emi_amountobjectAn object that contains the monthly EMI amount details.

Learn more about the monthly_emi_amount child object.
total_emi_amountobjectAn object that contains the total EMI amount details.

Learn more about the total_emi_amount child object.
interest_amountobjectAn object that contains the interest amount details.

Learn more about the interest_amount child object.
total_subvention_amountobjectAn object that contains the total subvention amount details.

Learn more about the total_subvention_amount child object.
interest_rate_percentagefloatInterest rate percentage for the tenure.

Example: 16.90
processing_fee_detailsobjectAn object that contains the processing fee details.

Learn more about the processing_fee_details child object.
emi_typestringsType of EMI.


Accepted values:

Issuer Offer Parameters [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the issuer_offer_parameters child object. This is part of the tenures object.

program_typeStringUnique identifier of the issuer id in the Plural database.

Example: 23
offer_idStringName of the Issuer.

offer_parameter_idStringThe type of the Issuer offering the offer.

Accepted values:
  • Credit
  • Debit
  • Cardless
  • NBFC

Details [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the details child object. This is part of the tenures object.

product_codeStringUnique Product identifier of the product.

Example: redmi_1
brand_idStringUnique brand identifier of the product.

Example: 3
product_offer_parametersarray of objectsAn array of objects that contains the product offer schemes for the product EMI details.

Learn more about the product_offer_parameters child object.
product_amountobjectAn object that contains the product amount details.

Learn more about the product_amount child object.
subventionobjectAn object that contains the subvention details.

Learn more about the subvention child object.
discountobjectAn object that contains the product discount details.

Learn more about the discount child object.
Product Offer Parameters [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the product_offer_parameters child object. This is part of the details object.

program_typeStringType of the Program.

Example: BRAND_EMI

Accepted values:
  • MY_EMI
offer_idstringUnique identifier of the offer.

Example: 309
offer_parameter_idstringUnique offer parameter identifier.

Example: 20
Product Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the product_amount child object. This is part of the details object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000
Subvention [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the subvention child object. This is part of the details object.

subvention_typeStringType of subvention.

Example: INSTANT

Accepted values:
  • POST
offer_typestringType of the offer.

Accepted values:
percentageintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000
amountobjectAn object that contains the subvention amount details.

Learn more about the amount child object.
breakupobjectAn object that contains the subvention breakup details.

Learn more about the breakup child object.
Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the amount child object. This is part of the subvention object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000
Breakup [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the breakup child object. This is part of the subvention object.

brandobjectAn object that contains the breakup details of the brand.

Learn more about the brand child object.
Brand [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the brand child object. This is part of the breakup object.

amountobjectAn object that contains the breakup amount details of the brand.

Learn more about the amount child object.
Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the amount child object. This is part of the brand object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Discount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the discount child object. This is part of the tenures object.

discount_typeStringType of discount.

Possible values:
percentageDoubleThe discount percentage provided by the offering entity.

Example: 16.90
amountstringDiscount amount.

Example: 2000
discount_deferred_duration_valueintegerThe duration value for the deferred discount.

discount_deferred_duration_typestringDiscount duration type deferred.

Possible values:
  • DAY
breakupobjectAn object that contains the product offer details with breakup.

Learn more about the breakup child object.
Breakup [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the breakup child object. This is part of the discount object.

merchantobjectAn object that contains the merchant breakup details.

Learn more about the breakup child object.
issuerobjectAn object that contains the issure breakup details.

Learn more about the breakup child object.
brandobjectAn object that contains the brand breakup details.

Learn more about the breakup child object.
dealerobjectAn object that contains the dealer breakup details.

Learn more about the breakup child object.
Merchant [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the merchant child object. This is part of the breakup object.

amountobjectAn object that contains the breakup amount details.

Learn more about the amount child object.
Issuer [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the issure child object. This is part of the breakup object.

amountobjectAn object that contains the breakup amount details.

Learn more about the amount child object.
Brand [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the brand child object. This is part of the breakup object.

amountobjectAn object that contains the breakup amount details.

Learn more about the amount child object.
Dealer [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the dealer child object. This is part of the breakup object.

amountobjectAn object that contains the breakup amount details.

Learn more about the amount child object.

Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the amount child object. This is part of the breakup object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Loan Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the loan_amount child object. This is part of the tenures object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Total Discount Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the total_discount_amount child object. This is part of the tenures object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Net Payment Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the net_payment_amount child object. This is part of the tenures object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Monthly EMI Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the monthly_emi_amount child object. This is part of the tenures object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Total EMI Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the total_emi_amount child object. This is part of the tenures object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Interest Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the interest_amount child object. This is part of the tenures object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Total Subvention Amount [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the total_subvention_amount child object. This is part of the tenures object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Processing Fee Details [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the processing_fee_details child object. This is part of the tenures object.

currencyStringType of currency.

Example: INR
valueintegerTransaction amount is Paisa.
  • Minimum value: 100 (₹1)
  • Maximum value: 100000000 (₹10 lakh).
Example: 1000

Issuer Data [Child Object]

The table below lists the various parameters in the issure_data object. This is part of the offer discovery response object.

otp_lengthintegerLength of the OTP.

Example: 4
otp_time_in_secintegerOTP validity time in seconds.

Example: 120
otp_retry_countintegerMaximum OTP retry count.

is_consent_page_requiredBooleanStatus of the required consent page.
  • true: When the consent page is required.
  • false: When the consent page is not required.
consent_dataStringTransaction consent data.

terms_and_conditionsStringTransaction terms and conditions.

show_key_fact_statementBooleanKey fact statement status.
  • true: When the key fact statement need to be displayed.
  • false: When the key fact statement is not required to be displayed.
auth_typeStringAuthentication type.

Accepted values:
  • OTP
penny_transaction_amountstringApplicable amount for penny transaction.

Example: 100
is_tokenized_transaction_supportedBooleanTokenized transactions support status.
  • true: Tokenized transaction is supported.
  • false: Tokenized transaction is not supported.
pan_number_last_digit_countStringLast digit count of PAN.
offer_validation_parameters_requiredStringParameters required in offer validation API.