
Welcome to Plural Developer Portal 🎊 This is a comprehensive reference for integrating with Plural APIs.

About Plural

Plural is a full-stack online payments entity that provides three solutions to any merchant running an online business - Plural Console (payments orchestration platform), Plural Gateway (flagship payment gateway), and Plural Checkout (our mobile SDK).

Plural Gateway

Plural Gateway, erstwhile known as Edge, is a payment aggregator which enables multiple payment instruments (CC/DC/Netbanking/Wallet/EMI/UPI) which a merchant can provide to their customer. The merchant need not integrate with different acquirers to enable these payment options, but can rely on a single integration to enable these, while providing industry best auth rates.


Plural Console

Plural Console is a payment router which enables the merchant to integrate with multiple payment aggregators, payment gateways with a single integration. This allows the merchant to set routing rules across Payment aggregators to improve success rates or for commercial considerations. Plural console also provides a global card vault to enable customers do faster checkout and a unified dashboard for merchants to view all transactions at a single place.



Integration Tip

As a merchant, between Gateway and Console, you don't have to integrate with Gateway, a single integration with Console will give you the features for both Gateway and Console!

Plural Checkout

Plural Checkout is a mobile SDK which enables the merchant to use Gateway/Console on their mobile app for checkout. It also provides optimisations like auto OTP reader and dynamic keypad which helps improve the customer conversion during a payment transaction.